Monday 10 January 2011


This last post is going to be a short reflection about the module 'Emergant Media and Markets'. I feel that this module has gone pretty well for me. I really enjoyed the presentation which we had to prepare and present and have found doing the blogs really interesting as it has allowed me to learn and discover new things. I particularly enjoyed doing my first blog about Aleks Krotoski and the blog about RFID tags especially the Izzy's ice-cream part which was fun.

I have found doing the blogs useful as they have allowed me to further my knowledge in some areas which I knew very little about which is good!

However, I feel that I could have done better in my journalistic report as it did not turn out how I wanted it to. I really wanted to display my writing on a website that I had made however once I had completed it I was not happy with how it ;looked and therefore decided to present it as a blog entry instead. I also feel that I could have done better on the writing of the report.

Overall I believe that I have put quite a lot of effort into this module and have enjoyed it. I think that I have learnt quite a lot although can see where I could have done things better.

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